Green Algae


So after years of doing saltwater without doing my homework, admitadly stupid, I know. However I've had decent luck. That aside, I finally went out of got some good lighting (150W HQI - 2 X 65W - 36 in. ). Since then I have had the typical diatoms.....I am guessing due to the new lights, but over the last week, as the diatoms start to subside, I have noticed a green algae bloom on my glass. Prodominatly on the back of the tank. I should also say that its a 29 gallon tank with about 50 pounds of LR and arag. substrate. Right now I only have a small clean up crew in the tank. But the snails can't seem to clean the glass and my magnet scraper isn't phasing either. Do I want to get rid of it or let it be?


How old is your tank? What your water readings? how long is your lighting cycle? are you using ro water? sounds like a nutriment problem. phosphates or to much waste in the tank. :notsure:


Tanks a little over a year. Using RO water and the lights are on.......MH for about 5 hours, and I run the moonglows all the time. All my readings are right on target..........and as far as waste.........I only have a few snails ans hermits with a brittle star.......i throw some pellet food in there every three days just to keep the star happy. Could my problem be a nearby window??


i have the same problem with my hQi are only on for 5 hours as well and i dont really know what else to do...all my levels are perfect so i dont know what it could be...i have already cut the photoperiod down to 5 from 10....ever since i put mine one nothing in my tank likes it and i dont when you find an answer let me too :)


very possibble is the tank getting direct or indirect sun light. try limiting the lighting time on just the halides if you can by about 2 hours. you have to keep in mind that the natural sun is only at its full lighting around 4 or so hours a day. and if you don't have any corals or other light demanding inverts
there is really know reason to have all the lights on anyway.Your just burnig up electric and time off your halides that you will have to replace in 7 months.


Originally Posted by jrthomas40
i have the same problem with my hQi are only on for 5 hours as well and i dont really know what else to do...all my levels are perfect so i dont know what it could be...i have already cut the photoperiod down to 5 from 10....ever since i put mine one nothing in my tank likes it and i dont when you find an answer let me too :)
You have to gradualy get the tank used to the amount of light that halides produce. start out with only running them 1 or 2 hours a day for a few days then increase buy a half hour every week till your at around 10 hours. that way everything can adjust slowly..