Green Algae


I have a slight problem with green algae on the glass. My snails can't keep up and it takes forever to get scrap it off. What causes this particular algae. Phosphates? I don't think it's nitrates because I tested my water and they are very low which is good. Help?


Active Member
Algae needs light and nutrients to grow. Even if your nitrates are low, if there are sufficient nutrients in the water you could have algae problems. The main reason most people have lots of lr in their tanks is that the good coraline algae takes the nutrients before other algae gets a crack at it.
Don't know enough about your set-up to be much help. How large a clean-up crew do you have? How often do you feed your fish? ect ect ect


Yep, so what are your numbers and tank spec's. Your water source can do it too.


It's a 125 reef with about 110lbs LR. Feed fish once a day. Readings: pH-8.2, Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrates-less than 10. Temp about 80F. I have a RO filter and make my own water. What else do you need to know? I know I need to add more LR. Anything else?


And I forgot. Very good clean-up crew. 3 dozen turbos, dozen trochus, 3 dozen red baha hermits, 2 dozen black and white hermits, few sally light foots, and some miscellaneous items.


Active Member
Does your lr have a good growth of coraline algae on it? I agree with you that you need some more lr, but that shouldn't be your major problem. I would go with reducing your photoperiod for a while, then slowly increase it back to where you want it. Also, adding new bulbs will cause an algae bloom if you don't reduce the amount of time that they are on. HTH


a problem you could be having is that you do not have enough snails 1 per gallon is the ideal, with 1 hermit every 2 gallons.
if you have a problem with algea on the glass i got a magnet cleaner for my FO tanks they work great.


I agree on the magnet. You always have some algae to clean and the magnet will make it so simple you'll clean the glass moer often. I have an ALGAEFREE "Hammerhead" on me 3/8 acrylic tank - it even goes around corners!
On a bg tank like yours, a refugium will greatly reduce nutrients and algae.
Cutting the light time reduces algae but also reduces coraline and coral growth.