Green Algae


I recently got done curing a red slime algae problem. Now my tank looks almost worse. I have tons of the bright green algae blooms all over the glass and also just below the sand level. These are the kind that are hard to clean off, not the type that can easily be just wiped clean. Im not sure what is going on with my tank. I also have what looks like brown stuff covering the entire surface of the water when looked at from in the tank. This is all over the surface except where the power heads and skimmer are breaking the surface. I have two power heads for movement, and a skimmer. I recently stopped using carbon in my filter becuase i read it shouldnt be used very often. Is this true? My tank needs some serious work. Please help.
Not sure about the green stuff i have that too, you will need a razor blade scraper to get it off ---- ONLY IF THE TANK IS GLASS --.
Now for the stuff on the top of your tank, the only way you will be able to remove this and not have it come back is with a overflow. I had the same problem when i first started and the overflow/sump worked perfectly.
As for the reason this stuff is there, you got me. Could be a by-product of the fish food being given which could include phosphates as well as some other funky chemicles.
Sorry if this didnt answer your question, but im just grabbing at straws for the green algea problem.


Active Member
What's your clean up crew like? Are you using ONLY RO/DI water? Tap water is typically full of phosphates which are probably the prime reason you have algae in the 1st place. How much are you feeding and what are you feeding? Over feeding , particularly with flake food will introduce large amounts of phosphates in the tank. My advice- !st make certain you're using RO/DI water. Wal-mart has it for 58 cents a gallon. Save the jugs and go fill them up at the RO/DI water machines that are outside most grocery stores for 30 cents a gallon. Start using other types of food. Don't use flake food all the time and only feed every other or every third day. Your fish etc.. will be fine. Make certain that you have a diverse group of invert clean up critters. Different varieties of snails and hermits, etc.. You may also want to use a phosphate sponge periodically. Kent makes a good one.