Green Bird Wrasse issue

darth tang

Active Member
I purchased a Greeen Bird Wrasse on Friday last week. I watched him feed and the whole nine yards. He was moderately active, not racing all over but swimming good at the LFS.
I acclimated him 3 hours by drip. When I put him in the tank he went and hid under a rock. He doesn't swim as much as he was at the LFS. I only see him move during the day if I move a rock to check on him. I have yet to see him eat, but he must be. Now he has this red spot on his side. It l;ooks like something is on him, not like he is wounded.
He is in with a Neon Velvet, a molly, and Panther Grouper. The bird Wrasse is bigger than all of these guys.
Any Ideas on the red mark?

darth tang

Active Member
No net to catch him. He was corralled into a container at the store. I used a platic strainer to add him to my tank. I stopped using nets after I seriously damaged a fish when I first started out.


Active Member
Hmm can you explain that technique again, because my LFS uses nets, and so do I after the drip method, but I'd love to use a technique that is less stressful to the fishes.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I purchased a Greeen Bird Wrasse on Friday last week. I watched him feed and the whole nine yards. He was moderately active, not racing all over but swimming good at the LFS.
I acclimated him 3 hours by drip. When I put him in the tank he went and hid under a rock. He doesn't swim as much as he was at the LFS. I only see him move during the day if I move a rock to check on him.
Any Ideas on the red mark?
Stop moving the rocks to check on him. If he's only been in tank for four days everytime you move rocks you are probably stressing him out. Wrasses will hide under rocks, they wrap themselves in a "cocoon" at night when they sleep. Everytime you move a rock to check on him, you are changing the place he felt comfortable in. So then he goes and finds a new place and gets comfortable only to have that rock change on him.... see where this is going. The red mark could be due to the stress he has been under of not finding the "one" place to sleep and retreat to when spooked. My two wrasses return to their same respective caves every time.

darth tang

Active Member
Thanks Big B. That is what I thought I only moved the rock once, yesterday to check on him since The first day I placed him in.
Fishman, the LFS uses a plastic container and than uses a plastic piece to usher the fish into the container and then place water and all into the bag. No fish damage from nets. I then drip acclimate them in a five gallon bucket. I make sure to get two gal;lons of the water from the LFS the fish came in to adequate cover the fish in the bucket. I use a five or ten gallon bucket depending on fish size. Then I drip acclimate. I then use a small strainer like for spaghette, made of plastic and scoop out the fish once the drip is done. No small holes to catch the fish and it is very gentle when done slowly. I found the strainer at Walmart.