Green Bird Wrasse Question


I have a Male green bird wrasse in my fish only tank. I would like to introduce a female bird wrasse into the tank. In all the reading I have done it saya the female should be in the tank first. How can I go about introducing a female bird wrass in to the tank now?


I introduced my Male first, I had no problems in doing this, when introducing the female, I placed her in a clear plastic container, floated her during acclimation, he would check her out, but there was no negative reaction from him.
This is something you may want to try before dropping her, let him see her, when my male does not like something he will pace back and forth, he will do this near the object or even if he sees his own reflection.
Mine have now been together about 4 years, they are great fish, and don't forget to cover your tank, they are jumpers.


What other wrasse do you have in with them?
I don't have any other wrasses with them, my male would kill another wrasse or any slender looking fish. I took him in because he killed other fish, I have never had a problem but I would not push him either.