green/blue chromis


Active Member
hey guys, recently i purched 3 blue/green chromis.. ive never been much on chromis but i like how these guys flashed blue and green depending on how you looked at them. i got 3 of them in hopes they would school, which they did. but they killed one off.. and now im down to only 2. ok ive read this is common. but my question is that only one of the two is out all the time, the other is hiding behind the rocks, and only comes out to swim with the one every now and then, and the one thats out alot, has become very shy, and almost defensive of the back of the tank. i dont know how often they mate up, but is it possible they mated up and there are eggs back behind my rocks where the fish hides and i cant see. when they are together there seems to be no agression betwen the two. and thoughts on this?


Active Member
Thats funny I bought 3 green/blue chromis about a week ago and 1 died last night. I tested all my water parameters last night after the incident and they tested fine... I don't think I will be getting anymore chromis soon


I bought 3 chromis for my 100gallon, and I still have 3!

They hid alot and still hide more than other fish in m tank. It took about 3-4 months until they really started coming out and looking around. I recently put a hippo tang in the tank and they are out with him all the time. Maybe they needed a fish closer to their blue/green coloration. :notsure:


Active Member
I bought 3 blue reef cromis and one died the first day, replaced it, and the new one died same day also, so I have 2, both stay out all the time but do not school, i guess I am destined to have only 2


If you buy 3, typically you will soon have 2, then 1, and then finally 0. These guys are cute and occasionally one will be hardy and thrive...but they tend to get picked on by other tank inhabitants and die pretty quickly when stressed. That's been my experience on 3 or 4 occassions.


one of the LFS i go to insists they've had a pair for 17 years...
as soon as i took one of my remaining two out of the tank the one died who was alone... the other is now with my clowns and blue hippo... i cant catch him.


So you guys don't think they are killing each other it is other tank inhabitants?? So if I just have a goby right now 3chromis will probably survive?


Active Member
I bought 7 of these guys.... one by one they died. I had one bullie and killed the others. Alone he will stay. ***)


Originally Posted by dmjordan
I bought two and ended up with one. Except for at night he is always with my percs.
I also bought two and one died shortly after. I didn't realize this was so common.


Active Member
i bought 2 1 killed the other then the other died i bought 3 more and one by one they died/got killed it wasnt my water or anything and my tank was 9 months old and everything was p[erfect i wonder why they all die?


Active Member
haha, always hangs around with the percs... talk about a case of either identity crisis or 3rd wheel


I bought 3 chromis, and I am not sure what the other two damsels were (brown). I am not sure what happened, but now I have two. Water tests fine...
They pretty much stay together, and get along with the dotty back.
I do like the chromis, and want to add more, but I am unsure if they too will die. :scared: Are these pairing type of fish?
What else can I add to the tank?


i also got three, two died. so i wanted that scholling thing also so i got two more. they died. so now im leaving the "o.g." to himself. hes buddyed up with my yellow clown goby so i leaving there relationship alone.... :jumping:


Has anyone been successful in making small schools of say 3 with other types of chromis such as the blue reef chromis?

michelle l

Well, not me. I bought 3, one died. About a month or two later, another died. I have had that third lonely green chromis now for a year and a half, and he's a tough little booger. Survived two tank moves in my 125 and also survived a trip into my prefilter box where he spent a day trapped next to the sponge before I found him.
Funny thing is, I never noticed the others who died ever getting bullied or looking sick. They just died.


I have 3 chromis who school nicely. I have had 2 since the start of my tank (4 months). I noticed one picking on the other...he kept chasing him behind the rocks and would not let him swim around. Then I added a third and they all swim around and seem to get along much better.


I have bought 2 and one died and now the remainder hangs with my O.'s funny he mimics them, he's like that little puppy on bugs bunny who is always tring to make the big dog like him.. He is just starting to accept food out of my hand like the clowns do..but he's still not sure. He will grab it and go hide. The clowns are down right pigs and bite me when I run out, it's always a joy to do anything in the tank..they think it's always feeding time!