Green brittle star...reef safe?


I need an answer to a quandry.... I have a 90 gal reef tank and in it lives a green brittle start that is about 24 inches tip to distant he going to be more of a hindrance by knocking things over than the asistance he provides by keeping the underside of the rock work cleaned........can he stay or should he go ?


Active Member
It depends on the individual sea star. Some of the big ones will start eating small fish. Some will continue to be peaceful.
If you have had it for a while you should know if it has caused any problems.

nm reef

Active Member
The green brittle have been reported to be a bit more on the aggressive side especially after they've gained some size. I've got a darker colored brittle than has been in my 55 for well over 30 months. I strongely suspect he has munched severla crabs/shrimp and I won't be moving him to the new display. Instead he'll complete his life in the 55 which will soon be the refugium for the new display.:thinking: