Green Brittle Star


New Member
I've had my starfish for about a year and he's always been active and healthy. When I woke up this morning, his arms were gone. He's basically a torso, albeit a healthy looking torso.
I have a 55 gallon reef tank with very good and stable water parameters, seven fish, basic clean up crew, and about 12 corals. I spot feed the star about once a week with a small piece of frozen shrimp.
Any ideas?


Active Member
I am very limited on star info, but do know a sudden change may cause this. Did you just do a water change? Anything different?


Is there any chance one of the fish became aggressive towards the star (clowns defending anemone...etx)???


New Member
You never know with the clown fish, but they've co-existed peacfully in the tank for about a year.
My little green torso still looks healthy and strong today. I spot fed him some live blood worms but he wasn't all that interested. Poor guy.