Green Brittle Star


I had an interesting thing happen with my green brittle. When I first put him in my tank 3 weeks ago, he hid in the live rock and did not move. Very rarely he would come out. Last week, I "lost" 2 yellow tail damsels to a fight, and the green brittle appeared to eat one of the yellow tails ( he was bloated for 3 days). Since that time he has been extremely active. I see it all over my tank now. He even catches some flake food to eat.


Green Brittle's stay hid most of the day, but normaly git active at feeding time. Mine thinks he's in the indy 500 at feeding time. There alot faster than I ever thought they was.


My brittle star stays under the rock ..... at feeding time he just reaches out and grabs a piece and pulls it under the rock (his home) and chows down!!!!!!!!