I am starting an aggressive tank in Feb. I would like to have Niger Trigger, dwarf Lion, and a Green Star. I heard the star is mean and will attach anything. Would he end up food for the trigger, or can he defend himself.72g fowlr.
That is certainly not true. It will not attack everything, an it can not stand up against triggers. The niger may not pay it any attention, but it may try and eat it.
The star is a threat to smaller fish and shrimp. It should be spot fed but this may not prevent predation. However it is not aggressive in the same sense as many other animals. And not all individual stars will be predatory.
Would you not risk putting a green brittle in a tank with aggressive fish? I'm considering a clean up crew (if I can have one at all) for my 125 aggressive. I was thinking that with lots of rockwork maybe the brittle would be okay, but if I fish that are noctural predators would that mean no on the brittle? Thanks.
Originally Posted by ophiura
That is certainly not true. It will not attack everything, an it can not stand up against triggers. The niger may not pay it any attention, but it may try and eat it.
The star is a threat to smaller fish and shrimp. It should be spot fed but this may not prevent predation. However it is not aggressive in the same sense as many other animals. And not all individual stars will be predatory.
agree! My green star has grown an awful lot and has not attacked anything. He eats when I feed him and the crabs come down and feed with him. My smallest fish as about 1.5 inch maroon clown and still no agression. I also have a green serpent star which I rarely see.
I would definetely not go with the Green Star....I read a thread about one and decided to get one for my FOWLR.....It has been about 3 weeks now and he is down to 2 legs......My hogfish has been snacking on him, triggers are alot more aggressive than a hogfish too.....But, he did do a nice job of cleaning up my tank.....
I would not consider a Niger to be as aggressive as a lot of other triggers although when it gets older it might become that way. I have a hawaiian trigger and he doesn't bother the stars at all. He's just not interested. He's more interested in moving the small rocks I gave him as pet toys. He tries to bomb the crabs with it, lol
Originally Posted by canesfan
At my LFS a green brittle star wrapped itself around a dwarf lion and the lion was dead. Who knew
Did it wrap around the lion when the lion was still alive or already dead.