Green Brittle Stars


I just got a green brittle star. (it has yellow spikes on its arms) are these reef safe, my lfs said they are but some one on the form said there preditors.


Active Member
thats what i have heard too....just watch him,,good luck,,keep us posted ..have a good night.


I've had one for about a month without any issues. I do make sure to spot feed it a healty amount at least every other day. Sometimes my scarlet cleaner or peppermint shrimp run all over the starfish and the starfish doesn't pay them much mind.
There was one time he moved close to my jawfish hole and the jawfish came out and bit him. He left that area and hasn't been back yet
With spot feeding him he seems to not really move much at all.
I do see him as a risk and he makes me a little nevervous sometimes but as of yet I haven't seen anything out of him that would make me think he would catch a healthy invert or fish. I know he is a risk but he is also the neatest creature in the tank. It is neat to watch him feed both by grabbing a large piece of food with his entire arm and stuffing it in his mouth and at the same time slowly pulling a piece of flake in with his little legs. I can't even do that many things at once. :hilarious


Active Member
green brittles are reef safe. as far as that statement goes. but they can be fish eaters, they are great cleaners but they are one of the few starfish that are fast enough to catch fish, Usually when the fish is sleeping. So the statement should be, they are coral safe but not nessecarily fish safe. a lot of people keep them succesfully with fish just make sure its appetite doesnt make it need to eat fish, if you dont want the hassle of spot feeding it I reccomend getting a different type of brittle.


Active Member
I have a large GBS in my 65 reef. I have had him since july. I dont spot feed him per say, but make sure to get some pellets his way whenever I feed. This guy is the biggest I've seen so far.
He has never bothered any fish in my tank. Now my purple tube worm.....
The thing wants to attack it from time to time...
He'll climb up on the opening and get to wrestling, I was really afraid of it hurting the PTW or getting something back from it but, after a while he simply climbs back off and hides again. :thinking:


One of my freinds gave me his LARGE GBS because he had small damsels and peppermint shrimp missing days after he got the him. I have had him 3 weeks and have a peppermint shrimp (that I have had for a year) missing and watched him try unsucessfully to pull a large turbo snail off the glass and into his mouth (which would not have fit anyway, it is larger than his whole body.) So I think they could be somewhat agressive towards inverts and small fish.