Green Bubble Tip Anemone has changed shape and colour please help/advise


New Member
I have had a green bubble tip anemone for while and when i first got it for a few weeks it was very green and had very round bubble tips and was not quite large as you can see in the pictures below. now after a few months it has got quite large and very thin tips and is a brownish colour after reading the forums I am unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing can someone please advise me on their suggestions thoughts? I havent fed the anemone any frozen shrimps and only attempted to when it was very small with not much success the lighting i believe is sufficient and the anemone has two clown fish that live in it and the lights are on with blue and white pigmentations throughout the day for about 8 hours. the anemone seems to have settled where it is at the moment and doesn't move as much as it originally did when I first got it and only retracts and shrinks when the lights go out but is expanded and quite large again by the time the lights come back on in the morning.
the test results are before and after my most recent water change the second nitrates test was done after the water change to show my current levels i uploaded both photos
in the photos below in the new larger size it looks more green then in person it looks a litter brown in real life.
here is a link with other photos and more details of my tank on my blog
any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated just wanting to know if it should be more bubble like and green and how to get it back this way my main concern is the tentacles seem very thin from previously when it was smaller but moved around more now it sits in the same spot for a few weeks and has long thin tentacles that are brown but sway alot THANKS
