Green Bubble Tip Anemone Help

I got 1 about 2 mo ago and sense day 1 its always on the move it will stay put for a few days then move. It was eatting and looking good then it like deflated and lost color and i think feel off the glass and now is behind my rocks about 2inch from the sand sticking to the glass but looks dead really. I cant get to it without remove rocks. I have never moved it or did anything to it besides feed it shrimp like 1x a week. Nothing that i know of was picking on it and my clown fish dont even look at it lol.
I have a 72 gal bow with 6x54w t5 3 power heads, skimmer, heater. Been doing this for over what 10 years now. The water is all in line everything is good even nitrates as i only have 2 fish in a 72. All my other mushrooms and star polpys look great. So i dont know what is going on and would like advice before anything bad happens as i heard they wipe out tanks when they die?
I know the lighting might not be enough is that what the issue is or could it be something else? Its like it was never happy from day 1 really. Some days looked great then others small and dead looking idk. Its about 2inch round at base and has no color now i cant even see the tentacles anymore just pure white hanging on wall.
Thanks in advance!@

mr. limpid

Active Member
If it dead you need to remove it fast, it would cause big problems if you don't. It will look like its turn inside out. what kind of lights do you have?