Green bubble tipped anemone


I had a large sebae clown who was beating up not only my anemone, but seemed pissed at the world, so I gave her away. Got a beautiful gold striped maroon clown today and it loves the green bubble anemone. I also bought a new power head as I was extremely tired of the old one throwing bubbles. Anyway the flow is slightly stronger and the anemone doesn't seem to like it. Is this normal? It's really not that strong, the tenacles are barely swaying, but it is one the move again (oh nooooooooooo). Do bubble tipped anemones not like the medium at best flow?


Active Member
Need some more specifics about your tank. Size, amount of flow total (all powerheads and their ratings of GPH), and honestly other things like lighting and parameters to rule out anything else that could be causing problems.


Active Member
the anemone will go where its happy, and im sure theres a happy spot for it in your tank.....u might lose some corals along the way though