green bubbles?


New Member
I have some sort of green bubbles growing on my live rock - I'm presuming it is some kind of algae - is it good or bad? should i be trying to get rid of it? It looks kind of neat thanks! Josee

mr . salty

Active Member
Sounds like GREEN BUBBLE ALGAE too me. I've got some growing on mine too. Some people say "get rid of it",but till I see it causing a problem,I'm leaving it. STEVE


They are a type of algae, and I don't think they will hurt anything. As far as i know, the only reasons to get rid of them is if you don't like the way they look or if they start to take over. I will warn you with my experience. I had several of them and they were getting quite big (about the size of a half dollar) I didn't mind them but my wife didn't like them so I decided to take them out. I tried to use a mechanical grabber and I couldn't get a good enough grip. I ended up popping it and it released spores into the tank and now i have quite a few more. The rest of them I removed with my fingers and that worked well, just don't squeeze hard.


I think that there is s crab that you can get that will take care of the green bubble algae.
I think that it might be a sally lightfoot,..
Check around,.....
There supposed to eat em up,..


get a emerald crab he will eat them up!!!!! its just bubble algae .... but if you pop it it will spread like wild fire!!!!!