Green Carpet Algae on Sand...


New Member
How does one get rid of the green felt-like carpet algae that grows on my LS and LR WHENEVER the lights are turned on? I don't keep my lights on very much (bout 5-6 hrs), the water quality tests well, and I have a cleaner crew. Is the algae good or bad? What's the deal?


Active Member
Sounds like bga a type of cyano..see red slime too. You can increase water flow and check the system for a nutirient source. Bulbs sometimes need to be changed as well. If you are using tap water this could be a source of the nutrients as well as overfeeding and even marine type water supplements. . The fixes for bga are the same as the fixes for red slime.
Identify the source , make the appropriate changes and the problem will go away. DO NOT USE and miracle additives as the problem will only come back. Also, massive bga or red slime die-off CAN..not WILL .... cause water quality issues and toxin issues leading to a total system wipe out.


New Member
Thanks for the help. It seems likely that it could be a result of overfeeding (I like to give the cleaner crew something to work with). I'll watch that, do some more frequent water changes, and see what happens. My nitrates are just above norm, but nothing ridiculous. Lights are only 6 mos old. I'll find out! Thanks!


Active Member
I had something like it a few months after the tank cycled. It went away soon afterwards too, I siphon it out during water change and add a hermit crab in there and he clean all that stuffs up. Never seen them since. Good Luck! :happyfish