Green Carpet Anemone HELP!!!!

who dey

Active Member
we just got a green carpet anemone yeesterday. Right now it is shinking up to half it's size and white bubbly looking material is coming out of it's mouth. Is this a normal occurance?? We have never seen anything like it with our other corals!! Anyone know what is going on with it?

who dey

Active Member
Does this mean we shoudl try and feed him or does it open all the way up when we need to do that?


Active Member
It does'nt sound good..can you post a pic?Brown stuff coming out of the mouth might be waste,but white sounds like it is possibly eviscerating it's insides.How did you acclimate it,what are your water parameters,what size tank,and how long has it been set up??

who dey

Active Member
Parmeters are nitrite-0 nitrate-0 amonia .01 PH 8.4 alkaline-normal Calcium-400ppm Magnesium normal
55 Gallon tank, VHO lighting
Bought the carpet from our local LFS, whom we trust very much, acclimated normally. VERY WEIRD!!
Don't have a digital yet, sorry.


Active Member
You are evasive with your offense meant..I am trying to help..but you have to help too.How exactly did you acclimate it?And how long has your tank been set up?
White bubbly stuff coming from the mouth is not good.It does'nt mean it needs to eat,particularly if it is shriveling up as well.Something is wrong...without seeing it,it's hard to say,unless we explore how the carpet has been handled up to this point,and under what conditions is it being kept.

who dey

Active Member
Was not trying to be evasive by any means. Just answered your questions to see if you could help.
Our tank has been up about 1 month now. Everything has been measuring out correctly. Our local LFS supplier has been following us through the process. He had the carpet for 3 weeks in the store. The carpet did this same thing last night and then filled back out over night and has been fine all day. Weird too it did it at the sametime last night.
Since the post it is filling back and and the white is going slowly back inside.


Active Member
A carpet anemone is a delicate should'nt be in a month old tank.Anemones need pristine stable conditions.Stability comes around 10 months.This could be the problem.
That being said,you need to decide whether to take the chance with it..or return it.I would say return it..wait until your tank has matured,and you fully understand exactly all there is to know about keeping an anemone.Often new hobbyists make the mistake of aquiring animals which should'nt be placed in a new tank..don't feel bad.I would however question the intentions of anyone who works at an LFS that would suggest a carpet for a new tank.This tank should barely have fish in it,let alone an anemone.A tank at one month old is simply not ready for matter what the parameters are.The fact that it is retracting it's insides might be a good sign{that's what I think it did}but I would keep a close eye on it at least.Do some research,and take your time on what you place in the tank.Ammonia should also be 0.

mpls man

Active Member
I totally agree with promisetbg, i had my 75 set up for over 2 years before i added my carpet anemone, i also aclimated it for 3-4 hours, i agree that those are key items to haveing one. Try doing some research on them to find out more info.


I added a green carpet to my 1year old 150 about a week ago. I also agree that one shouldn't be in a 1month old tank.
Mine did some crazy things while it got situated and comfortable. The white stuff is the organs it uses to eat and alternately to expel waste. They can push a good bit of it out of the "mouth" and there not be anything wrong, because sometimes when i feed mine shrimp it does that. But if it's spitting out all it's guts, then that's obviously bad.
One note. I had a powerhead output near where it got comfy. It started shriveling up (this is always bad with anemones) after I turned the PH back on (had it cut off until I was sure the anemone was situated). I was sure it would die, but then I turned off the powerhead it returned to normal and has been fine since. I figured the bunghole would just MOVE instead of sit there and die!!! Not too smart i guess... :)