Green Carpet Anemone Help

roll tide

I have a green carpet anemone that seems to be getting ill. Last night and today has been a little less than its full size. Water is all good, under (2) 150 mh and (2) 96 attinic PC's. I have had him for two weeks or so, he is still sticky to the touch and my gold stripe maroon is in him constantly. Seemed to be eating shrimp and squid at first but nothing really in the past few days. His mouth is starting to look a little bigger and open. Any help would be great. Thanks

roll tide

Originally Posted by alyssia
"Good" water quality doesn't help us. We need to know what your exact parameters are.
Sorry... They are as follows
Ph 8.3
Ca 480
Trates 0
Trites 0
Ammonia 0
ALK 5.4
Phos. ?
Temp 78-80
SG 1.025

roll tide

Seems to be doing better this morning. Maybe thats just something they do now and then!!! Still, any help would be great. Thanks again.

roll tide

Or maybe not. Looks pretty bad again. Do anemones always like the fact that a clown is hosting? Or could that be the problem?


Originally Posted by Roll Tide
Some pics
Alkalinity is a little low. Should be like 8-11. I cant imagine though that one parameter could affect it that bad. Was he that way when you got him (open mouth)?

roll tide

Originally Posted by jacob_poly
Alkalinity is a little low. Should be like 8-11. I cant imagine though that one parameter could affect it that bad. Was he that way when you got him (open mouth)?
A little. About the size of a nickel. I guess I will leave him in tonight and if its the same in the morning its off to get flushed. From what I hear, you dont want one of these things to die in the tank.


no no dont flush it. It is not doing that bad to flush it. Look, I had a BTA that lost all of its tenticles, and I didnt flush it and give up. It actually fought back and grew back its tenticles from NOTHING. I dont know if you read that thread I posted a while back, I even had pictures of it. Your anemone doesnt look too bad to a point where you need to flush it. Just wait. Your anemone still has good color. Check your salinity again and just leave it alone.


by the way, I hope your not constantly trying to feed it either. Just let it be...for couple of days or 1 week.

roll tide

Originally Posted by lbaskball
by the way, I hope your not constantly trying to feed it either. Just let it be...for couple of days or 1 week.
I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advise.

roll tide

Boo!!!!! I got up this morning and the anemone looked like -#%^. He was still a little stickey to the touch and had good color, but his mouth was inside out and his base was slimey and mushy. Had just a bit of an oder also. So I flushed a $95 anemone. That is the last one of those I buy. Thanks anyway for the help.


Originally Posted by Roll Tide
Boo!!!!! I got up this morning and the anemone looked like -#%^. He was still a little stickey to the touch and had good color, but his mouth was inside out and his base was slimey and mushy. Had just a bit of an oder also. So I flushed a $95 anemone. That is the last one of those I buy. Thanks anyway for the help.
nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! lol...
I dont get it, if he was still sticky to the touch and have good color, I really dont think it was gonna die. Anemones are very strong animals IMO. I learned that from my own experience. If the conditions are right, they will live. That sucks that you speant a lot of money and had to flush it down the toilet though.
I still think you should of waited a couple of days. Sometimes it takes time for them to accilimate to new water conditions. What kind of lighting did you use? and how big is your tank again?
You should try again. They thrive under the right conditions. Carpet anemones are known to get very very large though. That is the only reason that is keeping me from buying one.


The only conclusion I can come up with is that your anemone was dyed, but that conclusion would be invalid because good color means zooaxanthalle, and in order for an anemone to survive it needs light and its zooaxanthalle (excuse my spelling). And you said it was sticky to the touch so it must of had good amount of zooaxanthalle. Thats why you shouldnt of flushed it.


One last thing.
I think you should read this thread...maybe you might of changed your mind about flushing your anemone down the toilet. It is about a seabae anemone, but lot of the stuff can be related to your anemone. Specially about how your anemones mouth was open wide.

roll tide

I had him under (2) 150 MH and (2) 96 attinic PC's. When I pulled him out he had a bit of a dead fish smell. All I know is I didnt want him to be dead in the tank. Oh well...


Active Member
my god "i'm not dead yet, shut up. I feel better. your not fooling any one. I feel happy. you'll be dead soon enough. Just lay their and shut up about it. FLUUUUUUUUUUSH


Originally Posted by sharkbait9
my god "i'm not dead yet, shut up. I feel better. your not fooling any one. I feel happy. you'll be dead soon enough. Just lay their and shut up about it. FLUUUUUUUUUUSH
Now that is FUNNY!!!

If he was still holding onto the rocks with his "foot" he wasnt dead. I think you flushed him a little too quick, jmo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Roll Tide
I had him under (2) 150 MH and (2) 96 attinic PC's. When I pulled him out he had a bit of a dead fish smell. All I know is I didnt want him to be dead in the tank. Oh well...
That's why we have QT tanks,isnt it??????They really are a must
Sorry for your loss