Originally Posted by Roll Tide
Boo!!!!! I got up this morning and the anemone looked like -#%^. He was still a little stickey to the touch and had good color, but his mouth was inside out and his base was slimey and mushy. Had just a bit of an oder also. So I flushed a $95 anemone. That is the last one of those I buy. Thanks anyway for the help.
nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! lol...
I dont get it, if he was still sticky to the touch and have good color, I really dont think it was gonna die. Anemones are very strong animals IMO. I learned that from my own experience. If the conditions are right, they will live. That sucks that you speant a lot of money and had to flush it down the toilet though.
I still think you should of waited a couple of days. Sometimes it takes time for them to accilimate to new water conditions. What kind of lighting did you use? and how big is your tank again?
You should try again. They thrive under the right conditions. Carpet anemones are known to get very very large though. That is the only reason that is keeping me from buying one.