Hey there everyone .. another question i also purchased a small green carpet anemone when i purchased the sponge .. i did the acclimation just the way i was told and when i placed it in the tank all went well .. it opend up almost 3 times the size of when it first got here .. then it started to move about the tank ... but it also shrunk back down to the size it was upon arrival .. not it is kinda stil . just moving alittle is this normal ...please help :(


Active Member
it's just looking for a nice spot to hang out's normal for it to shrink and then expand. Just make sure it doesn't die or it can get shot around by a PH and then u'll have anemone raining all over ur tank!
hey there all thanks for replying . i got my carpet anemone from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> .. pretty decent prices .. ask to talk to jeff he is the owner.. :p