Haha, nice Tizzo. But seriously, carpet anemones are known fish eaters. More so than other anemones.
You need to make sure you:
1) have proper lighting - HO T5 with individual reflectors are a must here, or you can get MH lighting. If you don't know what your lighting is, then you don't have either of these, they don't come with a tank they are things you usually buy later on. This IS A MUST with anemones. Ask your friend what you have or you your own research on the manufacturer and model number of your unit.
2) have proper water quality, your ammonia and nitrites MUST be 0. Nitrate can be 15 or so, but no more IMO.
3) do not have any other anemones in the tank with it, unless you want the anemones to kill eachother. The exception is if you have a large tank, i would say 40 gallons per anemones is the minimum.
4) keep an eye on it, they are mobile and will kill anything they touch for a prolongued period of time. Corals, inverts, other anemones, etc.
5) research research research, this is your responsibility now, so you must ensure you have the proper equipment and environment for your new inhabitant.