Green Carpet.. Keeps Movin

joseph mcdonald

New Member
What is up with my carpet anemone.. these 2 pictures were like 1hr apart.. its like he is trying to climb the back glass and failing to do so...

don't worry... it's completely normal for carpet anemones to try and find a spot where they can call home. I'd give him a day or two before he settles in... ;)


To be honest our green carpet loves BRIGHT LIGHTS. We have a total of 440 watts on a 90 gallon Reef and it always wants to move to the top of the rocks. Also I have heard that any ammonia will lead to a slow death. 20 gallon tank IMO is too small a tank for a green carpet. Good luck.

mr . salty

Active Member
What are you using for lights over this tank??? When an anemone climbs to the top of a tank it usually means he is trying to get closer to the light.This tell us that your lighting is FAR too weak to have this anemone in that tank...Also(as stated) a 20 gallon tank is WAY TOO SMALL for a carpet anemone.If he does live,in a year he will be over 12" in diameter.Mine is about two years old(maybe more) and easily measures 20"across....