Green Chromis - brown spot - looks like an injury


Active Member
I put 3 Green Chromis in my 60g last Friday. One was a bit larger, and looked like he had been in a scrap or two...he had some scales that looked like they had been nipped at, and regenerated, etc...he also had a bit of a discoloration along his right side on his abdomen, about the diameter of a pencil eraser.
The spot is still there, kind of brownish red, and a few scales are lifted.
Is this something I should be worried about? Or is he just healing from something.
All 3 are swimming and breathing fine. They are eating, and schooling as well.
I wish I could take a pic, but I need to borrow a digital camera.


Staff member
If he suffered some aggression, then there is not much you can do except see if he heals up....and, of course, separate him for the aggressor.


Active Member
If there was any aggression, it was before I put him in my tank. He is only in there with 2 other green chromis right now. I haven't added any other fish yet.
I guess I'll just watch and see. I am not sure if it was from aggression or something bacterial. That is what my concern is.


Active Member
Well, it doesn't matter now.
I watched him for a few days, and the scales fell out over that spot, it started looking a bit worse, like the other Chromis' were possibly going after him as the weakest. Yesterday he stopped schooling with them, and started getting lethargic. This morning when I woke up, he was dead. So, I guess survival of the fittest works with fish too...


Staff member
Yep, that does happen with chromis, even though these fish are supposed to be pretty mild mannered. I'm having that problem now with a new set of 3 I added to my existing 3. However, he's holding his own. The first set of 3 I added, the small guy was sorta in that pecking class---low man on the todem pole---but he survived the brood and is doing fine now.
We'll see how this one does now.


Active Member
So you think that it could actually have been bacterial? I have been watching the others, and they have no spots, and appear to still be doing fine.


Active Member
Thanks! I have since replaced the dead chromis, and all 3 are doing fine at this point. I did not know about Uronema and Vibrio. I will keep an eye out for them in the future.