green chromis killed


do you think a scarlet hermit could kill a lg green chromis , he was eating the fish in the morning so i just thought it died it was 2 days old when i pulled it out it was still alive the hermit caught him and ate his fins so he could not swim


chances are if the scarlet did catch him while he was still alive the fish was already dieing or almost dead. scarletts are oppurtunistic feeders not predators.

yosemite sam

Active Member
How big are the crab and fish? I'd have to think the fish was sick, too. Unless it was a really big crab and small fish, I'd be really surprised if a hermit could catch a healthy swimming fish.


Active Member
chromis r pretty fast swimmer. eventho they r listed as easy fish, chromis actually need 2-3 small feedings per day, since they r very active. chromis need good acclimation whne 1st bought. if not, they will most liekly die within the 1st few months.