New Member
I've done some research on this and google doesnt seem to be turning anything up for me. A couple days ago i got 5 green chromis, one of which arrived with two vertical red lines on his side, he didnt swim with the others and just sat behind one of my rocks, also it looked like he was breathing very heavy. The next day he died. Then this morning i noticed that another one of my green chromis is displaying what looks to be the early stages of the same thing, he isnt swimming as much and there is a red stripe on his side. Im hoping that if i figure out what it is and how to fix it early enough i can save him. It looks to be a raised lesion. Nothing in my tank seems to be picking on them other than my molly which im planning on getting rid of. Here is a pic (best i could get) its hard to see but i hope i can get some answers, if i see him come closer to the glass ill try to snap a better picture.