Green Chromis


alright, i have had three green chromis for 3 weeks in my fully cycled tank 150g. I also have 2 perc clowns along with a small CUC. All the parameters are where they should be...
A couple days ago i noticed the two smaller of the chromis have started hiding out in the rock for most of the day and night. They used to right when the light turned on come out and swim very actively. Now they havent come out for feeding for a couple days. Yet, the biggest one is always out and with the clowns. I know they are still alive because occasionally ( maybe once a day or none at all) i can see their heads pop out of the rock they live in. Not sure what's wrong with them...i have read maybe they need 3 or 4 MORE chromis to feel safer?
thanks for any help.


Active Member
Chromis tend to thin themselves out. It's probably the larger one that's keeping the other two in hiding. Don't be surprised if one or both of the smaller two don't make it. Sometimes they can live in harmony, but in many cases the largest will eventually knock off the others. I wouldn't get more until you see what happens here.


Active Member
I had 4 chromis all healthy and they thinned down to one. He's now doomed to live alone (chromis wise) since he can't get along with others.


Active Member
Some schooling fish tend to "hang out together" in the home aquarium, but they are not going to "school" like you are thinking. As far as Green Chromis, I have had combinations of 3, 5, and even up to 7 at one time, but now I'm down to 1, and I have a 280 gal. tank. As mentioned, they will probably thin themselves down. Reasoning could be dominance, aggression, etc, but personally I think it's a fight for food. Chromis are very aggressive eaters. When it comes to feeding, they will dart right in there with the meanest of them all to get to the food. So killing off their own, especially the weaker and smaller, is no surprise. Just my opinion.


Green chromis once established will not accept new fish into the school. I have tried to add larger fish to the school or just a bunch of small ones at differnt times.
when I added 10 small greens and none of them made threw the night.
Then a large pair made an attempt to lead the school but soon picked on the smaller ones.
Damsiels are mean.