green chromis


Are green chromis a very active fish? I just got 2 yesterday and all they have done is sat in one spot. I tested all my levels and they are ph: 8.2 ammonia and trites: 0 nitrates: 5
I suspect it is just from the acclimation process. Let me know if anyone has had similar experiences with these fish or maybe a reason why they arent doing much yet.


Active Member
They don't really dart all around the tank...they school. So you will see them all kind of huddled together. They should move around some, but I don't know what you really mean by saying they don't move around much. What do you consider "much?"
If you just introduced them, and acclimated them properly, they are still probably just scared...kind of shell shocked. They should relax in a few days.


I threw 3 in my tank. They hung around for a few days and did nothing, now they fly around the tank constantly, especially when it is feeding time. They don't really school, although they do hang around each other most of the time.
They are very hardy and will get used to the new tank soon enough.
Agreed, mine did the same thing. Hid for a day and once I tossed in some brine, they overcame the new environment stress and came after the brine like a crazed defensive pass rush ;p


I have 5 and they did the same thing... Also, at night or when they stress out they do it (ie tank cleaning, moving LR)..


Mine hid for a day or 2 now they are always visible in thier school.They are a nice addition to the tank somebody is always making nice comments about them.


mine have just been sitting in separate corners for 3 days now doing nothing. I hope they snap out of it and do something soon.


I bought 2 today and they are swimming all over the place...even with the clowns. They act like they are racing, and they are peacefull together.


The chromis are not even eating they just sit in the same spot all day and do nothing. They arent breathing hard or anything just sitting there.


Active Member
How did you actually acclimate them? What is the temp in the tank? What kind of circulation do you have?
Also, out of curiosity, what is the salinity (actually, specific gravity) of the water in the tank?
Either way, something is scaring them into hiding. They aren't comfortable coming out in the open. Do you have rockwork for them to hide in?


I acclimated them by adding a cupfull of water every ten minutes for an hour after letting the temperature of the bag become the same as in the tank for 15 minutes.
There is about 25 lbs of rock in my 30 gallon with caves for them to hide in.
The salt level is 1.024 and the temperature is around 77 degrees.