green daisy polyps


I just got a green daisy polyp rock. I have a 30 gallon tank, 150 wat metal hals with 20k bulb. Where is the best place to put them. I put the rock on the top, it fits and looks so good there. I just worrie that its to high, and the current is too much there. Do you think it will do ok up high with the current?


Active Member
Clavularia sp. maybe...simular if not the same as Clove polyps ???
From some quick research....
'" strong random turbulent water flow (never direct), moderate light (VHO very fine) and regular iodine supplements seem helpful (water changes or small daily additives). "" by Anthony Calfo....
You will have to be the judge but IMO in a small tank like you descibed, maybe lower would be better and see how they do there...good luck with them.