Green film on top water


New Member
I have a 55 gallon,with a wet dry on the back of the tank.My tank What is the cause of this Green film on the top?Is it that my skimmer isn't doing a good enough job?My water quality is good,everything is in the safe levels.I know it probably sounds silly,but it looks terrible,and the local pet shop keeps having me buy more stuff,but it doesn't help.Any help would be great!


Do you have any power heads??? Do you have any water movement at the waters surface? If not then point a power head at it, to keep the water moveing , so it is not just sitting there. You might have good water movement under the waters surface, but you need too keep the surface moving or it will get stagnent; that is what prob. happend that is why its turning green...........but that is just what I would try, and if you already have tried that then I guess I cant help you.......good luck:jumping:


You might add a HOB filter to the back of the 55 or point one of your powerheads toward the surface to help break things up. Or add a nother powerhead.