green fuzzy algae help!!!


I have had a 100 gallon reef for two years. Beautiful tank, however I am beginning to see some fuzzy green hair type algae on some of my live rock especially towards the back of the tank, and its beginning to creep towards the front All parameters are perfect (I am very obsessive
) and have alot of beautiful coral, clams, anenomes etc. and they are thriving. Would someone please help me with this? I really don't like the looks of this stuff. Oh, I do have cleaner crew but they don't seem to like that stuff...Thanks in advance for your help.


Does it look almost like grass? And pop up in different places? If so, I recently started getting some of that growing on my rock too. I kind of like the way it looks. Is it harmful or helpful??
One of the display tanks of my LFS has a bunch of it.


i had the same problem i bought 2 mexican turbo snails and they had a field day on it, it was all gone the next day.


sounds like Bryopsis. I had it it mine when I first got it up. Its all gone now.... the snails, lettuce, and crabs took care of it all......


i have that crap my clean up crew dosnt seem to like it so i went in there and ripped it out manually. Its almost all gone still a couple of spots though.


REDARIZONA - It turns to a much darker and thicker algae as it grows almost giving that fuzzy look that you are talking about... I bought a lettuce nudibranch of this site just to take care of it.. If it is tru Bryopsis then there are only a few species that will consistently feed on it.....


Originally Posted by Winstew
sounds like Bryopsis. I had it it mine when I first got it up. Its all gone now.... the snails, lettuce, and crabs took care of it all......

Yeah..I cam home from Bermuda, and my tank had this EVERYWHERE..couldn't see in the damn tank! Found out the timer I installed the night before stopped working, therefore the lights were on 24/7! I just did a major water change, and cleaned every rock by hand...LOL