Green Glass Algae


What will help? Every 2 to 3 days the front of my tank is back green and I have to scrub it again. I have several snails and hermits in my tank but they only seem to come out at night or stay on my live rock. I can see where they make "routes" across the front of the tank though.
Some of the aglae is very hard like and kinda course cause its hard to scrub off sometimes.
Aside from my snails and hermits I have:
1 Urchin
1 Orange Linka Star
1 Clown
1 Fire Gobby
1 Copperband Butterfly
Shrimp: Coral Banded, Fire, Monkey, Cleaner, Cambelback, and Pepperment
100lbs of live rock
I have a sump filter, skimmer, plus 2 hangon filters, halide lighting, and powerhead.
55 Gallon Tank.


I think thats normal but you could always add a phosphate remover which will do the trick or upgrade your skimmer.


Active Member
Are you using tap water by chance? Excess algae can often come from high phosphates, which can be present in huge numbers in your tap water.
A couple of Mexican Turbo snails should help clean up what you've got now though.


I had the exact same problem as you. I have various hermit crabs, emerlad crabs, urchins, and various snails and the stuff just keeps growing back. I bought 3 mexican turbo snails and that didn't seem to make a dent in it either. I kept reading that phosphates are the cause but my tank has always tested 0 for phosphates. Then I read someone's suggestion that perhaps the algae is consuming the phosphates as quickly as it's produced and to try a phosphate pad. So last weekend I saw one that you cut yourself at a LFS, bought it, cut it and put them in my filters and have not had a problem with green algea since. I was scraping the algea off every 2-3 days just like yourself, but since adding the pad I have not had to scrape any algae from my glass except for the algae that was already there before I added the pad and has since died.