green hair alg


ive asked this a few times but havnt actually gotten a clear response
i have green hair algae that was present on a few rocks when i bought them i thought the tangs would enjoy nipping at it.. my question is whether or not the algae actually Causes any problems? i know its the result of high phosphates but does the presence of it actually make the water worse?


It will eat nutrients out of the water. The hazard is that if the nutrients increase so will the algea. Leaving you with a lot more hair algea which will be even harder to get out.
If you eliminate the phosphates the algea will go away. Having a refugium would help quite a bit in this respect because the algea in the refugium would out compete the hair algea for nutrients.

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmmmm...."will the algae actually cause any problems"....seems to me that if you want a saltwater tank that features primarily hair algae then its not a problem...but...if you want a tank that features coral/good water chemistry/healthy fish&inverts/and is a pleasure to look at then yup algae may be a problem...myself I try to take all steps possible to eliminate any and all unwanted algae growth...there is always some....but personally I think that a properly maintained reef will have minimal amounts :cool: