I purchased lr from a person who was breaking down their very large aquarium and turning it fresh. I put the lr in my holding tank 75g for a few weeks while I set up the 110g. Now, this is my stupid fault, I saw some 'nice green growth' on a couple rocks and left it there, I never knew what hair algae was because I never encountered it before. Anyway, it quickly migrated its way around to the other rocks. I bought a 'clean up crew' and have also been adding API's AlgaeFix Marine. The AlgaeFix looks like it has been killing the algae, but a lot of it is just very red now and does not seem to be dying off too fast. Is this normal? Is there a fix besides using chemicals or taking out all the rock/sand? What does the Hair Algae thrive on to grow? Can I starve it of certain nutrients that it needs to survive without hurting the rest of the tank? Should I be cutting back on the light? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!