green hair algae problem


HELP!!!!!! :help: I have a 29 gal tank with 35-40 lbs LR and 30 lbs LS. Tank has been up for over a year. I have a clown, chromis, gramma, lawnmower blenny, 4 striped damsel. I have about a dozen and a half crabs, 1 emerald, 12 or so large turbo snails, and a gazillion baby snails lol. (they multiplied) I have a fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp and a pepermint shrimp. I also added a pulsing xenia and a soft tree coral last week. Had a major nitrate and phosphate problem so I did a 50% water change 1st week and 25% for the next 4 weeks. Water parameters are good now. I have a 130 W Orbital lunar PC lighting system with dual daylight and dual actinics.
Before putting in the xenia and tree coral, I turned the lights off for 2 weeks and covered the tank with towels. The only light that was coming in was where the skimmer and filter are at in the back.
Most of the hair algae disipated in those 2 weeks, but when I uncovered the tank and turned the lights back on, the algae came back. Other than taking the LR out and scrubbing them off (which I dont want to do because of all the bios in the LR) I am out of suggestions of how to get rid of this. My rock looks like it needs to be mowed to say the least lol. Anyone know of any other ways to help get rid of this hair algae problem? I even went so far as feeding the fish every other day as well.


I have the same problem, I am pretty new at this (1 year) and I have a 90gallon, with only about 40lbs of live rock 1 damsel, a clownfish and a wrasse. I noticed this just recently when I bought my last piece of live rock that already had this green hair on it, now its spreading all over my tank! Please help: