Green hair algae taking over!!!!! HELP!

I need some advice on how to get rid of that pesky green hair algae. I thought it would go away, but has now grown on almost all of my rocks. I thought my turbo snails would eat it and the crabs too, but they don't touch the stuff! I have not fed my fish as much and have cut the time down on how long I have the lights turned on in the tank. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of the hair?? I will take all the help I can get!


Alright lets start at the beginning. What are the levels in your tank? I need to know trates, phosphate. I also need to know the size of your tank and what livestock is in it? What are you using as a filter and what substrate? What type of water are you using, tap or R/O water?


I also had spots of hair algae in my tank after my tank was done cycling. My clean-up crew would not touch it. This is what I did and it seemed to work. I took the rock out that had hair algae on it and tore off the algae and then replaced the rock in the tank. I only had this problem on one rock that was closest to the top of the tank. The problem has not reappeared and it's been a couple of months. I think the algae was too think, so the clean-up crew did not want to attempt. I'm sure this is not the most appropriate method, but it worked for me.
Thanks for is the information.
I have a 20gallon tank
20lbs LR
1 inch LS
1 sally light foot
5 emerald crabs
4 red leg hermits
6 blue leg hermits
12 turbo snails
1 serpent star
1 green tip sabae anenome(spelling)
1 flame hawk
1 fiji damsel
2 black perculas
1 tomato clown
1 bicolor blenney
My tank has been set up for 8 months and this is the first problem I have had. I am using 2 millennium 2000 filters, and am using RO DI water. The salinity is 1.023, Ph is 8.3, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0.1, and nitrate is 10. I dont know the phosphate level. I hope this is enough info. for you to help me out.


I have to agree with Amanda on this. I do not if it is the best , but I pull a rock with the hair algae on it when I am doing a water change. Put the rock in the bucket with the water from my tank and scrub it with a toothbrush. It sucks to do, but it does work. I have 125g with 150 lb of lr in it, it really sucks when it is the rock on the bottom. LOL
Hope this helps.
Shel :p


I didn't see any listing of a protine skimmer in your filtration. If this is the case the phosphate levels will continue to climb and feed the algea.
Thank you for the reply. Do i really need a protine skimmer for a 20 gallon tank? If so how much do you think it will cost and what is a good one to use? ;) ;)


Active Member
I recommend the Red Sea Prism skimmer for your tank. You need it, no doubt about it. What knid of lighting do you have, most anemones need at least VHO to survive I believe.
I have a JBJ PC. My anenome is doing great, but do you suggest something different? Also, how much does the skimmer you suggested cost? I am thinking about upgrading to a larger tank, so should I wait to buy a skimmer or not? Thank you for your help! :D


Active Member
The Berlin can be used from a 25 to 250 so its a good idea to buy one for now and to use on your upgrade.