Green Hair Algae??


I can't seem to get rid of this stuff I have never really had this big of a problem until recently i'll say about the last 2 months i'll scrap it off and bam there it is right back!! I have a 55 gal. running 2 175 13k's no actinics wet/dry cyclone 150 skimmer I do 10 gal. water changes every week to week and a half my bulbs i'll say are about 7 or 8 months old thinking about changing to the 10k ushio's I also run a phos-sorb pouch in my sump useing OEANIC salt my nitrates are a little high too around 40 ppm used to be non existent too any help very much appreciated...thanks


How long have you been running the phos-sorb pouch?
Been overfeeding a bit?
High posphate or frozen foods?
Are you running carbon? if so how long?
Does the filter floss need changing?
Is the cleanup crew up to snuff?
Using Ro/Di water?
Possible that the lights are getting abit old?
If the phos-sorb has been in there a few days then you need to preplace it.
If the carbon has been there more than three days then remove or replace it
Check to make sure that your bio balls do not have any large scale build up on them, and keep the filter floss clean.