green hair algae


New Member
Still having problems with green hair algae has anyone found any creatures that can keep this to a minimum. I have a cleaning crew which consists mostly of blue legg and red legg hermits. I did have one emerald but found him dead yesterday under my atlantic anenome. The hermits dont seem to be doing the trick. Thanks for any imput


If the hair is really long, you may want to try a tang (chevron tangs do a great number on hair algae) if your tank is big enough, or you may want to crop it by hand. Hermits have a hard time keeping up with the longer stuff.
How old is your tank? Many tanks will go through a "hair phase" in month two or three. If this is you, it will eventually pass if you keep your water parameters in check.
Check your nitrates and phosphates. If they are high, that may be causing an excessive amount of algae to grow.


New Member
Thanks my tank is 40 gal.and is about 6 months old. I was thinking about a small tang for a few months. Then trading him back in.