Green Hair algae


My 29 Gallon tank has been overrun with green hair algae. It looks like a forest. Some of it is 3 or 4 inches tall. I have been battling it since January and now it has reached insurmountable proportions. I am at my wits end. I do not know what to do.


LMB are awesome but they dont go for the long stuff, you might have to siphon that out.


Tank has been up a year. I have been siphoning/pulling/scraping it out weekly. 3 days later its worse than before I started. I am not winning. I replaced my bulbs, cuz I thought that was it. I've decreased my light cycle.


Active Member
Try scrubbing all of the affected areas with a toothbrush, then add a LMB or some turbo snails while the algae is still short.


I was thinking of getting a Phosban reactor (Two Little Fishies or Kent). Phosban is kind of expensive, but i also heard it lasts a long time.
Ive heard phosban is better than the the other stuff because of what it is made out of, even though it works slower.
I dont know if phosban is the solution or not. Could something be out of whack? pH? Calcium?


Active Member
r u using ro/do water? too much nutrients in water can also cause hair algae. once u hv them, its very hard to get rid of. sea hare will eat them, but will poison the tank if it dies.


My surface agitation isn't what I'd like it to be. I have the Flow from the Remora skimmer (maxijet 1200), a HOB filter, which usually has no filter in it, an AquaClear 30, and an AquaClear 40 or 50 (i dont remember which).
I'd like more surface agitation though.
I also think I should put the filter box back in for the remora. I think it makes it more effective, even if its pretty big and ugly.
i have a algae problem as well. i think my problems are centered around bad water flow, but i had another idea cross my mind. my lights are to small for my tank(36" lights on a 72" tank). but the algae ONLY grows where the lights are bright, it wont grow towards the ends of the tank. so id assume it takes ample light for the algae to grow. so with that in mind, would it help at all if the lights were left off for an extended period of time?


I had it too but I use tap water my turbo snails loved it I got a phosphate bag and I used this stuff but you have to try and get most of it off 1st. Its Algaefix by API pharmaceutials now I have no trace of it.


from what I've read, Nitrates and Phosphates fuel the algae. Both read 0 because there is so much algae.
Could something be a Nitrate Factory in my system? If so, what?
Don't turn the lights on at all for a few weeks unless you're keeping coral. If the hair begins to die off, then you have a lighting problem. I battled hair algea of the same lengths for a while until someone mentioned to try not turning lights on. To my amazement the hair algea did in fact beging to stop growing as it had been doing.
Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
Don't turn the lights on at all for a few weeks unless you're keeping coral. If the hair begins to die off, then you have a lighting problem. I battled hair algea of the same lengths for a while until someone mentioned to try not turning lights on. To my amazement the hair algea did in fact beging to stop growing as it had been doing.
so this will work? are corals the only things that absolutely HAVE to have light? the fish, LR, LS or CC, etc will all be fine?


I had an algae problem also and hit it from every direction. Lighting, phosbans, nitrates, flow and more, what I neglected to do was test my magnesium, it was low in the 11 hundreds. I am in the process of raising it close to 15 hundred and can see the algae decreasing as it is going up. So test your mag or have the LFS do it for you and see if it is low. Good luck that stuff is a real pain.


ok either i missed our something but do you have a ro-di water filter system if not this will help ALOT!
also what type of cleaning crew do you have i had this same problem about a year ago and i got a good cleaner crew with 6 mexican turbo snails they loved this stuff it took a while to defeat though
i have like 90 hermits
50 turbos
6 mexican turbos
Originally Posted by MustangCaleb
so this will work? are corals the only things that absolutely HAVE to have light? the fish, LR, LS or CC, etc will all be fine?
It only worked for me because I had nothing to lose. No fish, no corals, etc... However the coraline did stay on the LR.
Never the less I still need to do water changes, so I would also go with schnutzzy's suggestion and have your water tested for everything. Everything because if you're going to have it tested for you, you may as well have everything checked at the same time.