Green Hair Algae


New Member
Sorry about this post I know I have read about how it starts. but how do you stop it . I just had a bad week and lost all live stock'due to a Ammonia spike.:(


Active Member
If you do a search on Hair algae you can find quite a bit of info.
My first question would be what caused the ammonia spike, and what are your readings now for: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, alk, and phosphate, and salinity.
You will need to get your water quality back under control. If you do not have corals in the tank then turn your lights off. If you have corals than reduce your photoperiod. This will slow the growth down until you can figure out what is going on.


sorry to hear that, I hate to say it though, that is common when you start off. I would say slow down a bit and let it ride, take your time, I know how you just want to get it up and running and growing, but it takes time. the hair Algae will go away in time, but for now, what lights do you have. you could get some crabs to eat it. Plus check your Phosphates, high Phosphates can make algae worse.