green hair algea

is there anything that eats this stuff? i have a little bit growing in one spot of my tank, don't know why it is in teh back corner.
i have 10 nasarius snails, 10 or 12 hermit crabs all different sizes, lawnmower blenny 2 fire fish, 1 star, 1 cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp.
tank is about 2 months old, sal 1.025, amonia, trites, trates all 0, pH 7.8 and alk 3.5.


Drop a snail on top of it and hope for the best. If that doesn't work then you need to pull what you can to get rid of it.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
your lwnmower blenny should get rid of it in matter of a couple of days
Mine want touch it, but he is too fat as it is.


Active Member
has he seen it yet or know its there? mine destroys that stuff. if he doesn't workout then do a dragon goby(sleeperbanded goby). he is a sandsifter but will eat that and cyno.


Originally Posted by rbrockm1
has he seen it yet or know its there? mine destroys that stuff. if he doesn't workout then do a dragon goby(sleeperbanded goby). he is a sandsifter but will eat that and cyno.
I will try to show him where mine is tonight and see if he wants it,
Your Ph seem kind of low. I keep mine about 8.3. That probably has nothing to do with it. There are a few things that affect algae growth. Phosphates, nitrates, lighting (old bulbs, too much light). Low flow in the tank allowing detritus to accumulate in that area. Trust me. You have to figure out what the underlying problem is and fix that or you will continue to have problems. However, if you only have it in one corner it could be that you have a dead spot in that corner. I usually scrub it off when I do my water change and suck it up in the siphon tube. Hope that helps.


Active Member
seahares get large. he would need a bigger tank. good suggestion though. Also, people on this site suggest not to get one.


Active Member
you really need to get you ph up to. 7.8 is really low. 8.2 or 8.3 is what you should aim for. when you ph gets to 8.0 you should raise for in the future. let us know if he gets that hair algea and we will go from there


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Get a seahare, it will eat any bad alge in your tank.
I am not sure that is the way to go. :thinking:
do i need to use a reef buffer? i am using reef builder twice a week according to the directions and have been for over a month now.
i also have corals so do i want to also use reef advantage calcium or reef complete?


When was the last water change that you did and how much
most problems can be eleveated by doing water changes as far as the algae.
what type of water do you use and what are you water parameters if you have phosphate tests what do they show>
You might want to check your PH test kit. I had a PH of 7.8-8.0 and used that reef builder for 1 week and my PH was 8.3 and has maintained that ever since. I would not add calcium unless it tests under 400 ppm.
i just did a partial water change last night, i will check all levels today. we changed about 10g out of 75.
i use ro water and never use tap water on anything used in the tank.
i will post numbers as soon as i test.