Green Hair??


Not sure if I have Green Hair algae. 72 gal bow set up since June was set up previously for three years. Back of tank has green algae and is waiving in the cureent. I am thinking of adding more crabs and snails from this site. (one of the cleaner packages) Will this take care of this problem? I am also noticing that l/r is turning green as well.
72 gal bow, cprbakpak2, magnum 350, 80 # l/r, bicolor psuedo, maroon clown, spotted hawk, cbs, cleaner shrimp, 3 feather dusters, brain, bubble coral. Maybe 10 hermits, 1 emerald, 3 red legged crabs.
Water is .023 sg, ph 8.1, alk norm., nitrate, nitrite, ammon. all 0, calcium 400, temp 78 - 80.
I cut down on lights, about 8 hours blue actinic, 6 hours white.
I appreciate any and all suggestions!!


Active Member
Add Turbo or Astrea snails. These guys will graze all the day on algae. I had this problem before. After adding 10 Astrea snails the hair algae was gone forever.