Green Mandarin Goby


I have a 65 Gallon fish only tank and I was wondering if I would be able to house a Green Mandarin Goby. I don't have any live rock but have the lighting to house the live rock. I really love this species of fish and hope that I will be able to purchase one.


Active Member
They need to have 100+lbs of matured (at least 1 year in the tank) of live rock. So if you get a lot of rock, then wait a year, it should be ok.
its needs to take that long in order for your copepod population to grow into huge numbers. i wouldnt say you need 100+ lbs though. i have less than half of that in a 90g and my mandarin did just fine. how long has the tank been set up? its always a good sign when you change your filter media, whether it be a powerhead or main filter that you see sometimes hundreds of copepods on the filter pads...but you definately will need alot more than no LR at all...