Green Mantis shrimp



Hubby got one for his tank. He is so cool. DIdn't like him at first but he has grown on me. Does anyone else have one? If so how often do you feed them?


I feed mine a couple a days a week but I also have some hermits in their he occasionally kills and I will buy ghost shrimp and leave them in there for him too. But don't give him too big of pieces cause they will bury what they don't eat. Mine was a pinkish brown at first then after his molt he got bright green I love my Mantis


He is real small, I doubt he will attack the hermits anytime soon. He has gotten braver and will venture out and watch me as I watch him. We are stick feeding and as soon as the stick goes in he comes out.


Active Member
You do need to give him some live food that he can smash. They need to keep their smasher in shape. Get the small blue legged hermits or some small snails. Also go to yourtube and do a search for mantis.


Originally Posted by subielover
Doesn't stick feeding kinda defeat the purpose of having a mantis

Yes and no. Yes cause they won't hunt so much and no cause when we put our hand in the tank we don't want it to think we are food. If we do the stick it will recognize the stick as food.


Originally Posted by spanko
You do need to give him some live food that he can smash. They need to keep their smasher in shape. Get the small blue legged hermits or some small snails. Also go to yourtube and do a search for mantis.

We have some hermits in there. Last weekend the fish store got a bad batch of snails and hermits so we couldn't get anymore. They had a diease or something so they were under qt.


Active Member
Me thinks putting you hand in the tank could end up being a no-no. There is a picture around here somewhere of a finger or thumb split open from a mantis. You do know that divers call them "thumbsplitters" don't you?


Active Member
Dont keep more hermits and crabs in there than he can consume. Like, only stock the tank when you feed. Do not keep a supply of critters. It sounds like a good idea but it isnt, and this is why:
Mantis' are predators and they will attack by natural instinct (or boredom) even if they arent hungry. They will rip the critters out of thier shells, kill them, and then "bury them for later" in thier burrow. you wont even know this is happening until your water chemistry gets all whacked. Then... try to get into his burrow to get all the corpses out of the 'dug out' that are decaying and causing a nitrite/ammonia spike.
Only offer him food when it is feeding time. If you feed 2-3x a week, then throw a/two new snails in there at that time.
Good Luck, they are alot of fun!


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
Dont keep more hermits and crabs in there than he can consume. Like, only stock the tank when you feed. Do not keep a supply of critters. It sounds like a good idea but it isnt, and this is why:
Mantis' are predators and they will attack by natural instinct (or boredom) even if they arent hungry. They will rip the critters out of thier shells, kill them, and then "bury them for later" in thier burrow. you wont even know this is happening until your water chemistry gets all whacked. Then... try to get into his burrow to get all the corpses out of the 'dug out' that are decaying and causing a nitrite/ammonia spike.
Only offer him food when it is feeding time. If you feed 2-3x a week, then throw a/two new snails in there at that time.
Good Luck, they are alot of fun!
There are only 5 hermit crabs in there right now. But I will be sure to let my hubby know that. He hasn't killed any yet. We put a PVC pipe in there for him but right now he chooses to dig out under the rocks. My friends Peacock uses the pipe and moves rocks at night to cover the openings.


Originally Posted by spanko
Me thinks putting you hand in the tank could end up being a no-no. There is a picture around here somewhere of a finger or thumb split open from a mantis. You do know that divers call them "thumbsplitters" don't you?
Were aware the damage they can cause. We don't plan to put our hands in the tank unless we have to. We don't want him to associate hands with food that is the reason for the stick. He is real tiny, I dont know if he would even attack our hands at this point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tiff*
Were aware the damage they can cause. We don't plan to put our hands in the tank unless we have to. We don't want him to associate hands with food that is the reason for the stick. He is real tiny, I dont know if he would even attack our hands at this point.
he probably is wayyy more afraid of you
try to post pics!


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
he probably is wayyy more afraid of you
try to post pics!

I will post pics when he actually starts to come out more. Right now he just peeks out behind rocks. I think he is afraid of the fish.


Originally Posted by Tiff*
I will post pics when he actually starts to come out more. Right now he just peeks out behind rocks. I think he is afraid of the fish.
Wait, what fish is he in the tank with? Because when the mantis grows bigger, your fish could come an easy meal.


Originally Posted by funkysean5
Wait, what fish is he in the tank with? Because when the mantis grows bigger, your fish could come an easy meal.

Just two damsels. They are super fast and the guy is so small the fish would get him first.


Originally Posted by cal559
Lets see some pictures of your tank Tiff...

It's hubby's tank it is in. When I wake up more I will take some. There is some aiptasia in the tank with him. I have killed a bunch of it. There are still a few left in there. Will this hurt the mantis at all?