Green Moray Eel


New Member
My LFS has just gotten in a 8inch Green Moray Eel. I have never seen one so small and am very interested in getting him. What is everyones opinion? It will be going into a 300gal tank with 3 yellow tangs, 8inch Clown Trigger, 7inch Blonde Naso, 6inch Emperor angel and a 6inch Chrysurus Angel and a 14inch Nurse Shark.
I know I am at my limit with fish when I put this eel in and I do have a second home for the Shark and the eel when they get to big for this tank. How long till I have to worry about this eel getting large and starting to pick off his tank mates? I know that they are very aggressive and this little guy already has a nasty attitude so I am aware of what they can do I am just curious to find out there Growth rate and some basic info on keeping these eels from others who have had them or have one now.. Thanks again.


Active Member
I would say that over time your fish will be gone. They get huge, I'm sure you know and will eat most all fish. They is a 6 foot one at my lfs in a 1000 tank by himself


In my experience, Green Morays grow very quickly. Obviously, the more you feed it, the faster it will grow. I'd say that you could get away with it for a year, maybe two before it starts eating its tank mates.


Hi :
allow me to disagree. I think this fish will start eatin its tankmates w/in a few days to a few weeks. An LFS has a green moray approx the same size you list in one of their 240 display tanks. The had it in w/ a 6" clown, huma trigger and some sort of pufferfish.
I go in weekly to see whats in stock and each week i would ask the workers where another fish was in the tank, and they would chuckle the moray got him. Apparently what they can't eat striaght up, they try, and usually the target fish ends up so baddly mangled that it dies.
Since you appear to have invested some cash in your tank (that chryserus angel cost$$$) i would skip the moray