Green moray



i was just wondering how big of an aquarium you would need to house a green moray comfortably?


Active Member
240 minimum, in the wild they can hit 7', more likely 5' in the home aquarium, but they are very thick. Bo


Active Member
...and very aggressive. In my opinion, the baddest of the baddest-a$$ eels...for the SERIOUS, COMMITTED eel-keeper only:eek:
At ocean journey in denver i got a couple of pics of a big green moray.The head is bigger than my hand and it was about 5 feet long. The window is about 15 feet long and 8 feet high. These things get HUGE!!

i think they are awsome. the store i work at just got one in . tiny guy about a foot and actually in the wild they have been reported at a length commonly of 14'. Im currently thinking of getting it but im not sure about it with my golden puffer. But im deffinetely going to get one sometime or another.


Active Member
Hey, if you have a big enough tank and know what you're doing...go nuts! Greens are just not for the casual eel-keeper. I would like one, too, but my big tank is promised to other animals.


Active Member
in the wild they have been reported at a length commonly of 14'
Please tell me where you got this info :rolleyes: ..... Any green moray approaching 8' is a monster.....Bo


Active Member
14'. Im currently thinking of getting it but im not sure about it with my golden puffer
When the moray gets big enough, the puffer is lunch.


New Member
I had a Green Moray for awhil and it was alot of fun accept it ate alot of my good fish.:mad: and it bit me once and that pissed me off. I wouldnt bother with a green Moray