Green Mussels...


Active Member
Ok, so i've NEVER even heard of them, usually just the blue ones you see in stores. but a LFS just got some in, and i'm wondering how cool it would be to have green mussels in the tank. Then i read:
so now i'm wondering... if i got the mussels, how big of aproblem are they going to be in the tank. would my clean up crew take care of any larvae?


Active Member
I wonder if enough would survive to be a problem. Our tanks are typically a whole lot cleaner than where they hang out in the wild. I wouldn't think our tanks could support very many.


Active Member
Humm I need to take a trip to the beach and see if they have made it this far down. I'm about 150 miles south of tampa bay


Active Member
well, i went up there, and since they were having a decent sale (buy 2 get one free anything in the store) i got these two. we'll have to see how it goes...