Green Open Brain Question Please!!!


My open brain coral is located on a rock on the sand bed of my tank......I just purchased an awesome Yellow Face Goby with GLOWING blue stripes on his face and he does some serious sand sifting :cheer: Which is great but he is getting sand all over the brain. Should i move the brain or will it be has not gotten smaller, but it just started happening....any ideas or advice would be greatly apprecited :notsure:


It will probably be fine.....I have a large green brain also and it gets sand/gravel all over it all the time.....I've had it for almost 4 years and it just keeps getting bigger.


Yea it seems to be ok but I wasent sure if the sand would hurt it??? This Goby is going to town! It seems constant..the goby just keeps doin it all day :happy:


Yea i am now realizing this!!!!! I wanted to have coral on the sand bed and now I am resticted...thats the last thing i wanted..that why i spent so much money on lighting. Do you think I should remove the fish?


New Member
I'd take the fish out, but good luck catching him. It will only make you more mad as time goes on that this one fish is dictating how you can place corals in your tank. I made a mistake once by buying a maroon clownfish(very territorial) and it has affected my coral placement since. I want to get rid of him ASAP, they are just so hard to catch