Green Polyps Problems


New Member
There are lots of green polyps that look like peas that are spreading over the rocks, the glass etc of my tank. They turn clear; float off and reattach to other locations. Help? How do I get rid of them?


Active Member
Hmm sounds like bubble algae. Youre going to want to take out your LR and scrub it good. Dont pop the bubbles, as they will spread faster that way.


Active Member
It does sound like Bubble Algae. I read another post here a while back about coating them with Gel- Super Glue to help in removing them. Good Luck with them and Welcome to the site!
BTW...Do a Google search on Removing them. You do need to get them out of your tank!!!


Active Member
Best to pull out the rock out of the tank and scrape it off with a razor. Then rinse with ro water.
Emeralds will eat them if there small bubbles.
Do not pop on in the tank. then the spores go everywhere.
Remember you are feeding the algae for it to grow. It consumes nitrates, phosphates and light for photosynthesis.
Run a macro algae, phosban, do water changes and test nitrates and phosphates. Cut back on feeding and light. Look at the amt of phosphates that are in the food you put in to the tank.