Green slim


New Member
Set-up: 220gal+/-, HSA 1000 skimmer, 4cu bio-bale in DYI wet/dry, 25watt UV ster. rio 2100 for surface movement, little giant 5.5 for wet/dry, ice-cap with 7500k, F.O. tank with 150+/-lbs of live rock 20-20% water changes per mo (using RO-DI water) 2" sand substrate Readings Amonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20-35ppm..... 2yr. established tank...Why do I have a reoccuring problem with green slim on the lower portion of my live rock, certain areas of my sand substrate, and my "dead" decorative fire coral?


Yup too much light, too much nutrients. Reduce light duration and make sure your skimmer is on when the algae starts to die! :)