Green Spotted Puffer converted to Saltwater?


I have done this a couple of times & found that they are great in communities if kept alone and are only safe with some inverts. Anyone know if they & what corals they will eat?


Just guesing , but arent green puffers alread y brakish water fish so u would just have to make its water more and more salty


They are brackish so they can breath in saltwater, all that you need to do is over half a day use a dripping acclimation technique so that the water becomes saltier & saltier slowly allowing the puffer to adjust. then it should be fine to but in your saltwater tank, but keep an eye on him for a couple of hours. hope this helps if you are goin to try and do it.


wheres the tang police on this one?
why make it saltwater? its natural habitat is brackish....


Originally Posted by Jesses89
wheres the tang police on this one?
why make it saltwater? its natural habitat is brackish....
As adults they move into the ocean.


Active Member
This type of thing is never reccomended....But it has been done. You're supposed to do it over a period of several months though...


Active Member
this is just retarded...there are plenty of SW puffers with very colorful markings...Why not do one of them instead and save the fish some stress?


Green Spotted Puffers don't get nearly as large as most marine puffers. But you're right, this was done way too fast and the fish was in no way ready for it. Hope it takes it well, though.


Originally Posted by serpentar
...they are great in communities if kept alone...
Don't understand this statement, though.


ive seen puffers at my LFS for under 20 bucks. If your in this hobby.... im sure a few more bucks wont break your bank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
As adults they move into the ocean.
i thought they went to fresh water as adults.


Originally Posted by larryndana
i thought they went to fresh water as adults.
To spawn.
I've read the cycle goes like this. Eggs hatch in FW (which is where most are caught and why they are sold at ***** in FW). Adolescents move into the estuaries, and adults out into the ocean. Then like salmon they come back to spawn.... I think, but reading that back to myself something seems off...


i have had him in my 29 gallon community with clowns for about 6 months & he is doing excellent! I chose to do this not to play god, but so that i could have a unique fish that not every saltwater enthusist has & because it won't get much bigger then 2-3". He did however attack & eat me serpent star which made me very mad. He has not touched any of my mushrooms, so this is a start to seeing if he will be reef safe or not. Also, he learned quickly to avoid my anenome after some investigating.