Green spotted puffer


Does anyone have one of these? My lfs has a baby and he is so cute. Anyone? :joy:


Looked him up...he's cute! Found this info:
Not overly aggressive, but may still show some aggression towards their own kind, other puffers, or other fish. Keep in a species tank or with larger brackish fish, such as monos and archerfish.
24-28oC (75-82oF)
Water chemistry
Brackish, hard and alkaline.
Live and frozen meaty foods: bloodworm, mosquito larvae, cockles and mussels, snails


Did you get him? The pic I found....oh he was so cute, kinda reminded me of a little spotted puppy!!! Pics??


New Member
Not sure what tanks you have..but they live in BRACKISH water- and don't do well in salt water tanks. Most LFS also keep them in freshwater for easier sale since few average fish owners have a brackish tank!
We have been researching them and getting our tank ready for a few months now. They're cuties huh?
Oh, and a random fact that I found kind of weird--- if they don't get enough hard foods, their beak will overgrow and they won't be able to eat. I have read about people doing fish dentistry with clove oil and cuticle nippers! :eek:


Active Member
Please do note that bit about being BRACKISH not full salt. People sometimes keep the fish in fresh and saltwater, but it is best to do more research on their long term survival in those situations.


A firend of mine had a green spotted puffer. He bought him thinking he was a saltwater fish, he had him in a tank with a Blue line Trigger. He prabably had him for over year with no problems he fed him krill. The Trigger would boss him around a little bit but, they seemed to be fine together. I have heard of some of these Puffers being aggressive but, i did not see it in this one.


I didn't get him. After researching him, I doubt I will get one. I like them, but I want to be able to keep other fish too. Just curious, what exactly does brackish mean?


a mix between fresh and salt. Basicly salt water with low salinty and SG. The salinity level needs vary with almost every brackish water fish.


The little puffers your talking about should be kept in a mix of brackish water that is around a cup of salt to every 5g of water. I believe this keeps them in about 1.007-1.010 water.
The beak thing is true. I had one brought into the LFS I worked for that had been eating only flake type food and it's beak was so big it couldn't close it's mouth. Kinda sad.


So what kind of puffer's are good to keep in an aquarium? I really want one but not sure which one's are least aggressive.


we have a hawaiin puffer, he's a calm as can be, likes to be hand fed. BUT...they are not reef safe....keep that in mind if you are thinking reef, the puffer is what is keeping us from going reef right now. Also keep in mind that they all have will get the big teeth sticking out of their beak if they don't get something crunchy to eat, and mine won't take the crunchy so I feed him off a rock, which is keeping his teeth 'filed', so far so good. Good luck!
(a funny thing...I put sea weed in on a clip and he goes right for it, and I can hear him biting it off if my head is at the top of the tank....suppose I could go in for a dip,, sw would dry up my old skin!)


Hey thanks for the great advice. My tank should be cycled by now so I can't wait to get my first puffer. I will check out the Hawaiin puffer. THANKS again!